Prairieville, LA
Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville
Head Coach: Matthew Sandifer
W-L-T 1-7-0
Win % .125
Avg Finish 10.00
Ranking Points 50
Avg Runs Scored 6.13
Avg Runs Allowed 16.38
Avg Runs Difference -10.25
Runs Scored 49
Runs Allowed 131
vs. Classes
9U-AA 1-6-0
9U-AAA 0-1-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
10 11/11/2023 Mashing For Our MilItary X! 9U-AA 0-3-0
8 3/16/2024 4 Bag St Paddy Swag - Thibodaux/Live Oak! 9U-AA 1-1-0
12 4/6/2024 April Fools Bombathon - Baton Rouge 9U-AA 0-3-0
# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 Mashing For Our MilItary X! 2 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville 17 LA Diamond Cutters
Game #2 Mashing For Our MilItary X! 18 Northshore Majors 2 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville
Game #3 Mashing For Our MilItary X! 12 Valor 3 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville
Game #4 4 Bag St Paddy Swag - Thibodaux/Live Oak! 13 Hammond Yankees 4 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville
Game #5 4 Bag St Paddy Swag - Thibodaux/Live Oak! 14 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville 10 LBA Naturals White
Game #6 April Fools Bombathon - Baton Rouge 23 LA Mariners 12 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville
Game #7 April Fools Bombathon - Baton Rouge 7 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville 23 RBI Academy
Game #8 April Fools Bombathon - Baton Rouge 15 CBA Cardinals Red 5 Rawlings Tigers - Prairieville

This team is not registered for any upcoming OTC Sports events.

All teams participating in all OTC Sports events must have their official roster online. Please visit our Rules Of The Game page and abide by all roster guidelines.

Rosters will automatically freeze at midnight before the official event start date.

# Athlete Roster Age Status
1 Jude Lockhart 10 and 3 months Active
2 Nate Bowie 9 and 7 months Active
7 Flynn McInnis 9 and 11 months Active
8 Cooper Sandifer 10 and 3 months Active
9 Wade McIntire 10 and 5 months Active
10 Knoll Landaiche 10 and 0 months Active
13 Ellis Nosacka 10 and 0 months Active
16 Preston Lavergne 10 and 8 months Active
23 Gavin Lott 10 and 4 months Active
32 Tucker Templet 10 and 6 months Active
33 Joseph Valenti 10 and 0 months Active
55 Hudson Cornett 10 and 9 months Active
Name Role
Matthew Sandifer Head Coach