Denham Springs, LA
Ripzz Baseball 11s
Head Coach: Blaine Posey
W-L-T 9-13-1
Win % .413
Avg Finish 4.00
Ranking Points 575
Avg Runs Scored 6.35
Avg Runs Allowed 7.26
Avg Runs Difference -0.91
Runs Scored 146
Runs Allowed 167
vs. Classes
10U-AAA 1-1-0
11U-AA 7-11-1
11U-AAA 0-1-0
12U-AA 1-0-0
Place Date Event Division W-L-T
6 10/3/2020 4 Bag Swag! 11U-AA 0-3-0
5 10/24/2020 Ball N Da Fall 11U-AA 2-1-0
5 11/1/2020 Sunday Halloween Havoc! 11U-AA 1-2-0
3 11/7/2020 November Slam Jam! 11U-AA 3-1-0
6 3/13/2021 LA Children's Discovery Center Donation Event! 11U-AA 1-1-1
5 4/10/2021 Louisiana Spring State Championships! 11U-AA 1-2-0
4 6/12/2021 West Fel Summer Finale! 12U-AA 1-3-0
# Event Team VS Team
Game #1 4 Bag Swag! 12 LA Orioles 8 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #2 4 Bag Swag! 4 Ripzz Baseball 11s 10 ESA Jays
Game #3 4 Bag Swag! 11 Yankees White 4 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #4 Ball N Da Fall 8 LA Stars Red 13 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #5 Ball N Da Fall 8 Ripzz Baseball 11s 6 Ascension Select
Game #6 Ball N Da Fall 1 Ripzz Baseball 11s 9 LA Orioles
Game #7 Sunday Halloween Havoc! 5 Ripzz Baseball 11s 7 Crushers Baseball
Game #8 Sunday Halloween Havoc! 2 Blindriver Bullfrogs 6 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #9 Sunday Halloween Havoc! 5 Blindriver Bullfrogs 4 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #10 November Slam Jam! 5 Ripzz Baseball 11s 2 Yankees Gray
Game #11 November Slam Jam! 0 Chatawa Monsters 10 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #12 November Slam Jam! 7 Ripzz Baseball 11s 1 LBA Naturals White
Game #13 November Slam Jam! 0 Ripzz Baseball 11s 20 LA Orioles
Game #14 LA Children's Discovery Center Donation Event! 13 Ripzz Baseball 11s 4 Dodgers
Game #15 LA Children's Discovery Center Donation Event! 9 Banditos LTG 9 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #16 LA Children's Discovery Center Donation Event! 0 Ripzz Baseball 11s 10 Crushers Baseball
Game #17 Louisiana Spring State Championships! 6 LBA Naturals White 11 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #18 Louisiana Spring State Championships! 3 Ripzz Baseball 11s 10 Crawdads
Game #19 Louisiana Spring State Championships! 6 LA Orioles 3 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #20 West Fel Summer Finale! 5 Ripzz Baseball 11s 8 LA Surge
Game #21 West Fel Summer Finale! 13 Farm System Prospects 6 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #22 West Fel Summer Finale! 7 Farm System Prospects 6 Ripzz Baseball 11s
Game #23 West Fel Summer Finale! 1 Rec N Ballz 15 Ripzz Baseball 11s

This team is not registered for any upcoming OTC Sports events.

All teams participating in all OTC Sports events must have their official roster online. Please visit our Rules Of The Game page and abide by all roster guidelines.

Rosters will automatically freeze at midnight before the official event start date.

# Athlete Roster Age Status
1 Colin Newsom 14 and 11 months Active
3 Evan Sikes 15 and 3 months Active
5 Brayden Braud 15 and 1 month Active
6 Ashton Gautreaux 15 and 4 months Active
7 Michael Coleman 14 and 11 months Active
8 Tyler Laughlin 15 and 0 months Active
9 Cruz Castille 15 and 3 months Active
10 Brody Bercegeay 15 and 6 months Active
11 Dillon Plymale 15 and 8 months Active
17 Landen Kennedy 15 and 2 months Active
19 Beau Taylor 16 and 1 month * Active
73 Drake Burchfield 15 and 3 months Active
97 David Johnson III 15 and 10 months Active

* Age Exception

Name Role
Blaine Posey Head Coach